Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gluten / Wheat Free Diet

I'm having trouble finding funny things today. Unless, you count the evil glare the back of my head is getting from the hungry, puffy cat, whose name is Puff btw. His eyes are slits, from which he is shooting Feed Me!. I keep rolling my chair back and slowly getting closer and closer to his face, until he looks away as if he spotted something interesting on the floor. It won't be long before he'll be plopped on my keyboard, glaring Feed Me! directly into my eyes, at which point I will feed him. So, I don't have long.

I put a Reader's Poll on the site today. Very unscientific I know! This is not to pry or be weird or anything (well the verdict is still out on the weird thing). I have noticed that everywhere I go these days I run into people who are feeding their children gluten-free or wheat-free diets. Many of them, like myself, don't have any diagnosed reasons for this. Nonetheless, (like me) they know it is helping their little one with the frequent stomachaches, headaches, bowel issues, and some have even seen sensory integration issues improve. I, myself, realized that I don't tolerate wheat, after doing the Queen's Cleanse (more about the cleanse later). At the time I realized this about myself, I had one of the twins seeing doctors to determine the cause of frequent headaches and stomach issues. Nothing was ever discovered as the cause of his headaches and stomach problems; however adjusting his diet to a wheat-free diet has helped significantly. Neither of us has tested positive for celiacs. I would love to know what it is about the diet that is working for us, but hesitate to start with GI docs and invasive testing procedures and such. If you have experiences with this with your own family, I'd love to hear from you. If I get responses, I'll pull together a gluten-free recipies and tips page. The diet is really not as hard as it initially sounds!

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